Takashima Co., Ltd. is pleased to announce its "General Business Owner Action Plan" in accordance with the "Law for Measures to Support the Development of the Next Generation" and the "Women's Activity Promotion Law".
In light of the rapidly declining birthrate, the Act establishes basic principles for measures to support the development of the next generation, and promotes measures to support the development of the next generation, including guidelines for the formulation of action plans by the national government and action plans by local governments and employers, in order to improve the environment for the healthy birth and development of children who will lead the next generation of society. The law was enacted to promote measures to support the development of the next generation, including the formulation of action plans by the national government, local governments and employers.
Based on the Law for Promotion of Women's Activity, the national and local governments are required to (1) identify and analyze the status of women's activities in their companies, (2) formulate, notify, disseminate, and publicize action plans that include numerical targets and initiatives appropriate for solving such issues, and (3) publicize information on women's activities in their companies. (3) Publicize information related to the success of women in their companies.
A general business owner action plan is a plan that defines (1) the period of the plan, (2) the goals, (3) the measures to achieve the goals, and the timing of their implementation, in order for companies to improve the employment environment and diverse working conditions, including those for employees not raising children, so that employees can balance work and child rearing.