With “Contributing to Society through Our Business Activities” as our Corporate Mission, the Company positions “global environmental preservation” as part of that mission and as an important management issue. Furthermore, with an awareness among all our employees that “society and the economy cannot be sustainable without protecting the global environment,” the Company conducts sound business activities that proactively consider global environmental preservation.
- We strive to be an eco-friendly company, and promote energy and resource savings through our business operations.
- Regarding waste processing in our manufacturing activities and construction and the creation of noise, odors, and dust in our production processes, while complying with environmental laws and regulations and other required items agreed to by organizations, we have established our own management standards and work to prevent environmental pollution through continuous improvement.
- Proactively promoting carrying product groups that are environmentally friendly and product groups that contribute to improving environmental pollution.
- Standardizing environmental management systems, setting and implementing environmental goals and targets, conducting regular reviews, and working toward continuous improvement.
- To improve understanding of environmental policy and awareness of environmental preservation, we regular create awareness among and educate all employees.
- We make environmental policy available to the public through corporate website and company brochures.
All of the Takashima's domestic offices, as well as the head office and Nasu Plant of Hi-Land Inc., the head office of iTak International (Japan) Ltd. (acquired in January 2004), and TAKCEL Co., Ltd. (acquired in March 2000) among the Group companies, have acquired ISO14001 certification, and we have continued our environmental preservation activities.