1915 |
October |
Founded |
1931 |
December |
Reorganized as Takashimaya Shoten Co., Ltd. with capital of 500,000 yen. |
1932 |
March |
Opened Osaka Sales Office |
1933 |
December |
Established a sewing factory in Akabane, Tokyo |
1939 |
July |
Changed the company name to Takashimaya Kogyo Co.,Ltd. |
1948 |
September |
Osaka Sales Office was upgraded to a branch office |
1949 |
May |
Listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange |
October |
Changed the company name to Takashima Co., Ltd. |
1960 |
March |
Nagoya Sales Office opened (Nagoya City) |
1961 |
October |
Hokkaido Sales Office opened (Sapporo) |
1962 |
February |
Established Kyushu Sales Office (Fukuoka City) |
1964 |
February |
Established the former head office building |
1965 |
October |
50th anniversary of foundation |
1970 |
April |
Nagoya Sales Office was upgraded to a branch office |
1976 |
October |
Opened Tohoku Sales Office (Sendai City) Opened Chugoku Sales Office (Hiroshima City) Opened Shikoku Sales Office opened (Takamatsu City) |
1991 |
June |
Capital increased to \3,801 million. |
2002 |
December |
Opened Shanghai office (*Closed due to integration of sales office functions with headquarters in October 2021) |
2005 |
October |
90th anniversary of foundation |
2009 |
April |
Started of the medium-term plan Sustainability 11 |
2010 |
April |
Transition to new business structure |
2012 |
April |
Started medium-term management plan, Sustainabitity 100 |
2013 |
November |
Relocated Head office |
2015 |
October |
100th anniversary of foundation |
2016 |
April |
Started meduim-term management plan, Sustainability 2020 |
2020 |
April |
Started medium-term management plan, Sustainability X (Cross) |
2023 |
April |
Have started current medium-term management plan, Sustainability V(value) |